5 things you need to start the year right

Hi there, wonderful humans!

How is the new year kicking off? Have you woken up to 2023 as You 2.0, or is everything pretty much the same as it used to?

Whichever the energy you’re channeling for this year is, we want to hear about it! We also want to hear about what you need and want from JoClub! There are so many things in the books for 2023, and we want to make sure we’re delivering exactly what you need. Please leave any cool ideas/requests on this post or respond to this email. We’d be honored to co-create the future of JoClub with you 🥰

To celebrate the first month of the year, we wanted to share some powerful suggestions from the JoClub team, guaranteed to help you start your next months with the right foot. If you have other cool recommendations you would like us and the community to know about, head over to Instagram and leave us a DM.

The JoClub Team

This month's favorites:

A solid daily newsletter: Jo here! If you follow me on social media, you might have seen my wild ambition to write and post podcasts daily in January. I’m on day 10 and it’s incredible. I wouldn’t have embarked on such a journey had it not been for an accountability partner, and fellow writer friend who challenged me. His name is Lukas, and he has a solid daily newsletter that reminds me daily if I want to be a writer, I need to write. Conclusion: have good friends that keep you accountable. Jo Franco, JoClub Founder

There’s still time to plan! If you haven’t yet reflected on 2022 and planned the months ahead, don’t worry, there’s still time! We’re only 13 days into January after all. Our End of Year Reflection prompt pack is just what you need to process the past and get clarity on the future.

A creative listen: I’ve loved this podcast over the past weeks. For me it’s connected to new beginnings because it helped me re-think my creative approach to things. I love the topics they’re touching on and especially as a creative I have to say they inspired me in a way no one else has. The trailer is a pretty good summary. (Also it’s the first podcast I’ve found with a 5.0 rating) Lea, JoClub Facilitator

Cute paper clips: During my trips, I love to collect maps, tickets, and other small things which I can later glue in my travel journal. I always struggled with keeping them organized. Recently, my mom gave me these cute smiling paper clips, which helped me solve this problem. Annie, JoClub Team

Make a vision board: This is a fantastic way to have a visual representation of your goals and vision for the year and beyond. The process of finding the right images and words to put on the board connects you more with those goals and it starts to become alive. It also helps if your vision board is placed on the wall somewhere where you get to see it often. Remi, JoClub Facilitator

P.S. Remember to add us to your ‘Safe Sender’ list or drag us to your ‘Primary’ inbox so you don’t miss out on any JoClub news.


Journaling with JoClub and Jo Franco

JoClub is a journaling movement that delivers prompts, playlists, and introspective resources straight to your inbox weekly to script your most fulfilling life! Get aligned one page at a time.

Read more from Journaling with JoClub and Jo Franco

Hello hello lovely people! This month we’re sharing the story of one of our most creative members who light up the room every time she joins a session. Kim has been with us for a while and we’re so happy to hear (and share) the story of how she joined JoClub!! The JoClub Team Last summer I went to Staples and bought this cheap soft-cover grid notebook. I was in the midst of the worst bout of burnout I had in a while and I had a mighty need to rant about it on paper. This cycle happens almost...

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Hi there! JoClub is nothing without our wonderful members, so we thought it would be time to share some more of their stories with you. We really hope you enjoy Leanne’s story as much as we did. We swear we didn’t bribe her to say all of these beautiful things! Thank you for being here ❤️ The JoClub Team Leanne's Story Hola, I am Leanne! You can call me Bella, short for Lady Laleebella, my self-proclaimed title as the Black Queen of Reggae. The moniker comes from the East African city of...