How to keep your journals from the journal graveyard

Hello hello lovely people!

This month we’re sharing the story of one of our most creative members who light up the room every time she joins a session.

Kim has been with us for a while and we’re so happy to hear (and share) the story of how she joined JoClub!!

The JoClub Team

Last summer I went to Staples and bought this cheap soft-cover grid notebook. I was in the midst of the worst bout of burnout I had in a while and I had a mighty need to rant about it on paper. This cycle happens almost yearly: I experience a mental spiral. I go to a store and find a fancy new notebook that will “change my life”. I fill a couple of pages of self-deprecating ramblings, then the notebook gets unceremoniously tossed into the forgotten journal graveyard. As a result, most of my adult life was sparsely documented with my own private unfiltered thoughts, and only on the darkest days at that. I didn’t want to remember my life from the perspective of a depressed stuffed donkey with a severe case of impostor syndrome.

Joining JoClub was my way of investing in that inner voice that was laying dormant inside me for a long time. I initially looked at it like hiring a personal trainer. I bought journals the same way I bought new workout gear with the intention of going back to the gym. I at least had the self-awareness now to admit that there was no way I was going to have the overnight discipline to actually show up every day without that external push. So JoClub became my accountability buddy.

The daily journaling routine that I built with JoClub also cascaded into other aspects of my life too. My true north had always been creativity and exploration, but for someone working professionally in a creative field I was often feeling creatively stunted. Now that I can hear my own voice a little better, I am actually exploring more and building healthier habits to maintain my personal creativity. I still have a long way to go of course, but I am already noticing the many small shifts and it feels great.

And the coolest part? Getting to do it with other people from quite literally all over the world, all on a similar journey of figuring out their own voices. The live journaling sessions have felt so warm and cathartic! People cry with you. They share your joy and empathize with your anxieties.

Kim (@kimachuart)
JoClub Member

Curious about JoClub?

JoClub is an international group of people dedicated to self-awareness, growth, and cultivating a positive community through the tool of journaling. We journal as a collective on live journaling calls weekly and stay in touch in an always-on community platform for daily conversation, monthly challenges, and more.

Do you want to hang with cool and creative people like Kim more often? Our membership doors are open! 🤩

Ticketed sessions for non-members are here!!

Sunday, October 1st, 12 pm EST: BYOP Your Creative Language

BYOP stands for Bring Your Own Prompt. Which means we’re crafting our prompts as we go. Everyone (who wants to) contributes, and it’s like a beautiful journaling improv session. This time, with the theme ‘Creative Language,’ we’re exploring how creativity impacts our lives, with our lovely founder/queen, Jo, hosting this session for everyone craving some extra depth to set the tone for a creative month.

P.S. Remember to add us to your ‘Safe Sender’ list or drag us to your ‘Primary’ inbox so you don’t miss out on any JoClub news.

Journaling with JoClub and Jo Franco

JoClub is a journaling movement that delivers prompts, playlists, and introspective resources straight to your inbox weekly to script your most fulfilling life! Get aligned one page at a time.

Read more from Journaling with JoClub and Jo Franco

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