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Hi there!

JoClub is nothing without our wonderful members, so we thought it would be time to share some more of their stories with you. We really hope you enjoy Leanne’s story as much as we did. We swear we didn’t bribe her to say all of these beautiful things! Thank you for being here ❤️

The JoClub Team

Leanne's Story

Hola, I am Leanne! You can call me Bella, short for Lady Laleebella, my self-proclaimed title as the Black Queen of Reggae. The moniker comes from the East African city of Lalibela, Ethiopia - a marvel and architectural phenomenon. The name pays homage to my love for Africa and ties to my Jamaican heritage.

📍 Where are you currently journaling from?

I am a Georgia native. I grew up in a small town called Stone Mountain with a large West Indian Community. I am a Jamaican citizen and Caribbean by culture + heritage. When I am not in Atlanta, I am probably somewhere warm enjoying the beach and a coconut jelly.

🦋 Are you going through a transition? If so, what?

Womanhood + Motherhood - 2022 was the first year without my mom so I am learning to heal from the past, and I am ready to start anew. This past year I created a space uniquely my own inclusive of bills, responsibilities, and a marriage. Adulting at its finest.

📖 What qualities do you hope to develop in your next chapter?

Consistency in my writing, Resiliency to be an early riser, and stronger relationships in business. Also, patience to manage my marriage and raise my one year old son.

❤️ What's your passion(s)?

Poetry, Travel, Reggae Music, Handwriting and Acrylic Paint, Dance, Fashion, and Languages.

🌍 What language do you journal in? 🇺🇸🇩🇴🇫🇷🇧🇷

English and Spanish fluently (addicted to new words and perspectives).

Brazilian Portuguese on occasion and in French intuitively/creatively as my latest language obsession.

💬 What do I love about Jo Club?

Writing a poem in cursive to a daily prompt, Joining one of many monthly themed sessions (you have to come to a BYOS), Exclusive member access to monthly challenges and access to the most global community on the internet.

I have made so many international friends from every corner of the planet there is something for everyone to enjoy, and I can't wait to see you there.

JoClub Member

Curious about JoClub?

JoClub is an international group of people dedicated to self-awareness, growth, and cultivating a positive community through the tool of journaling. We journal as a collective on live journaling calls on a weekly basis, and stay in touch in an always-on community platform for daily conversation, monthly challenges, and more.

The doors to becoming a member are now open. See you at the next meeting?

P.S. Remember to add us to your ‘Safe Sender’ list or drag us to your ‘Primary’ inbox so you don’t miss out on any JoClub news.

Journaling with JoClub and Jo Franco

JoClub is a journaling movement that delivers prompts, playlists, and introspective resources straight to your inbox weekly to script your most fulfilling life! Get aligned one page at a time.

Read more from Journaling with JoClub and Jo Franco

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