I’ve kept this secret for 2 YEARS!

Before we get into this hearty newsletter I have to tell you my two-year-old secret:


That’s right, I’ve been sneakily working behind the scenes for the last two years to design the most thorough 240 pages that combine my two true loves: language learning, and journaling.

It started from my own experience journaling daily in Greek last year, in 21 days when I was expressing myself authentically, building my vocab and expressions day after day and learning more than ever. I was documenting my growth through my jank-looking journal entries, and not only learned more language but started realizing I’m a different person in Greek - it was a “Holy CRAP, THIS IS MY THING,” moment. Then, because the universe has a funny way of listening in when you’re doing the thing you’re on earth todo, a top publisher approached me and said they wanted to partner with me on the project. We’ve created the tool of all tools for any language learner: a language learning journal to be used as a place to gather alllllll of your learning, whether you love using language apps, or have a weekly lesson, this journal will be the glue that ties it all together.

It covers grammar, vocab, resources, language learning tips, and prompts for language learners to unlock their personality in a new language and build their most dynamic multilingual life!

You can pre-order Fluentish on Amazon as of this week - sweet title right?! Psst: save your proof of purchase because we’ll be gifting the first 500 people a special event!

It’ll only be on global shelves and in your homes in November (if you pre-order, which I hope you do!), but in honor of the launch, I’m going to be hosting events, and giving you dope language-related content all summer long!

The first gift of the season is that you get first access to a free language journaling event I’m hosting on June 25th with Lingoda with tips and resources to design your multilingual life! Scroll down for the official invite!

Ok, now back to regularly scheduled programming:

It’s Pride month and if no one’s told you yet, we’re proud of you for caring enough about your mental health to sign up for our newsletter.

This month we’ll be focusing on our bread and butter here at JoClub: authenticity, and self-expression. These next five newsletters are designed to help you unlock your most vibrant and zesty (fun fact: in Greek this means hot) self through our prompts, a playlist, and recommendations to remind you that you’re the sh*t.

Here’s your reminder to kiss your shoulder and remind yourself you’re doing a great job.

Love that shoulder, and let’s shine baby.

  1. It’s Pride Month! Write about all the reasons you’re proud to be you.
  2. Write about a time when you fully embraced your authentic self.
  3. What’s one thing a stranger would never guess about you?
  4. What’s a cultural tradition or practice that resonates with you?
  5. Write a list of five things you genuinely love about yourself, quirks and all.

FREE EVENT: Design a Multilingual Life
Hosted by Jo Franco & Lingoda

Date: Sunday, June 25th at 12:00 PM EST on Zoom.

Jo Franco, founder of JoClub is partnering with Lingoda to bring you a FREE Language Learning Live Journaling event to celebrate connections around the world! This event will give you expert tips on how to keep growing your multilingual brain, you’ll meet global language learners, and journal in your target language.

Registration is completely free to make this event accessible to passionate global minds anywhere and everywhere. Beginners through advanced language learners are welcome and no journaling experience is required, just show up with something to write with and an eager attitude to evolve. This isn’t your dusty webinar, this is interactive and will make you leave feeling connected to humanity, get ready for an afternoon like no other.

Hurry, we only have 500 spots available and registration closes on June 24th!

Learn how to:

✍️ Apply expert language learning tips from polyglot Jo Franco & Pippa, head of Education at Lingoda.

✍️ Stay committed to your learning journey by making it a habit.

✍️ Journal your way to fluency with the JoClub method.

✍️ Connect with other global language learners for an afternoon of deep talks.

What can you expect from the event?

✍️ We’ll host a Q&A section to get all of your language-learning questions answered.

✍️ We’ll give you science-based research on how to learn languages.

✍️ We’ll ask you deep questions about your target language so you connect to your why.

✍️ We’ll put you in breakout rooms with other global learners to meet your future accountability partners.

P.S. Remember to add us to your ‘Safe Sender’ list or drag us to your ‘Primary’ inbox so you don’t miss out on any JoClub news.


Journaling with JoClub and Jo Franco

JoClub is a journaling movement that delivers prompts, playlists, and introspective resources straight to your inbox weekly to script your most fulfilling life! Get aligned one page at a time.

Read more from Journaling with JoClub and Jo Franco

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