👀 You ASKED for this

Calling all the #HotLanguageSummer babies, it’s time to learn these languages!

There’s big news at the bottom of this email, but first, let me tell you a quick story.

Last year, in March, I wanted to create the most epic language-learning experience that would really challenge me to take my Greek from basic to badass.

After so many years of dabbling in apps and books, I was tired of saying, “if I focus, I can learn it.”

So finally, I decided to commit to 21 days of pure, painful, and progress-filled focus.

To be honest, I was going to do it alone, but then I thought…

No, this would be way better in a global group.

This first language challenge was a huge success, and people around the world joined me in journaling in their target language. THOUSANDS of people told me they had finally stayed motivated and learned more in 21 days than in months of classes.

I got a lot out of it, too, my Greek went from micro to miraculously more advanced, but the challenge had a bigger impact on my fellow challengers than I could ever imagine!

When the challenge was over, I got DMs, emails, comments, phone calls, and texts to relaunch it.

I build what I build for you and me, and I’m now on a new Dutch learning journey, so it’s time.

That’s right, I decided to relaunch it.

Only I took last year’s challenge, and I made it even better.

Now, we have 🌱mild and 🌶️ spicy prompts, catering to different levels for both beginners and advanced learners.

We have weekly live journaling calls to get together and practice with curious like-minded people from the whole world.

We have extra daily challenges to really make it stick.

I teach you how to get the most out of the resources available to you.

And much, much more.

But I’m not telling you everything just yet…

Registration opens on July 10th. Sign up for our waitlist and get early access and snag discounts and bonuses!

Talk to you soon (in many languages!),

Reply to this email and let me know what language you’re learning!

Jo Franco

Psst: Remember to add us to your ‘Safe Sender’ list or drag us to your ‘Primary’ inbox so you don’t miss out on any JoClub news.

Some things for you to learn more about us, JoClub:

Journaling with JoClub and Jo Franco

JoClub is a journaling movement that delivers prompts, playlists, and introspective resources straight to your inbox weekly to script your most fulfilling life! Get aligned one page at a time.

Read more from Journaling with JoClub and Jo Franco

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